Brody’s Journey: One family’s path to tube-weaning and eating by mouth

By: Ashlei Fisher Brody William Fisher was born on July 5, 2015 weighing in at 7 pounds 8 ounces and measuring 20 ½ inches long. He was perfect in every way and still is. He nursed well and took pumped breast milk from a bottle with no problems. He loved baby food when he was 6 months old and ate every drop of yummy fruits & veggies. Around 2 ½ months old, I noticed a dip in Brody’s chest wall as I was about to bathe him one evening. I immediately showed my husband and called the pediatrician the next morning. She had us get x-rays taken and quickly referred us to an orthopedic surgeon. He sent us to get an MRI when Brody was 3 months old. He was diagnosed with scoliosis and needed to be monitored. The curves continued to progress in that time, so the orthopedic surgeon applied a Mehta cast when he was 7 months old. The first cast went well, however his second cast application was extremely tight. Frightening vomiting started and then he quickly stopped eating, drinking, peeing, and pooping. I had never seen vomit like what I was seeing come out of my baby boy. I would give him 1 oz. of milk and he would projectile vomit it all over me and the floor. I rushed him to the emergency room, where they removed the cast. After that, he wasn’t keeping anything down and started to drastically lose weight. We were referred to a GI specialist who did numerous tests and told me Brody had a sliding hiatal hernia, which means...

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